No video ads campaign we run is the same; each client has their very own brief, goals and budgets meaning we work with you to achieve the best possible video campaign.

Below provides an overview of how we’d approach and manage an advertising campaign:

Campaign and competitor research:

Our video ads experts will conduct in-house research based on your overall campaign goals and to gauge a further understanding of your industry.

Research will include evaluating how competitive your service or products are within your industry allowing us to recommend the most cost effective and performance led targeting.

Campaign build:

Upon conducting the initial campaign research, this will then allow our team of experts to fully review and recommend a campaign plan for the promotion of your online videos.

We take your overall goals and campaign research into consideration upon building the campaign plan out.

Budget monitoring:

Upon the campaign going live we will work with you to agree a recommended budget to reach your overall campaign goals.

Throughout the campaign period, we will fully manage your advertising budget ensuring we achieve the best possible results with that allocated budget.

With the campaign performance we optimise and invest the campaign budget where we believe generate the overall goals.

On-going analysis and optimisation:

During the campaign period we will be monitoring and managing your advertising campaign, logging in to your account and reviewing the performance, targeting and overall budget of your advertising campaign.

With on-going account monitoring this will allow us to identify key areas to drive further goals and overall campaign goals.

In-depth monthly reporting:

As you would expect, we can report on almost every aspect of your campaigns, from numbers of views to full ROI data.

Your account manager can work with you to produce reports on exactly the types of performance data you are looking for.

If it’s all about exposure, we can tell you exactly how many times your ads have been seen, clicked and also provide demographic data about the most receptive audience.

If you are looking for actual sales, we can setup the relevant tracking code to track exactly how many sales are as a result of seeing your ads.

Whatever you need, your account manager can produce a perfect monthly report, along with suggestions for development.